[Job Opening] AI Research Group

Job description
We at the GCI Artificial Intelligent Research Group, the University of Tokyo, Japan are looking for several post-doctoral fellows (or PhD students) and software engineers.

We have been running a research group which aims to conduct various researches like;

1) Designing and developing novel Deep Learning algorithms
2) Making efficient computational models on GPU and distribtuted computing (HPC)
3) Hacking & enhancing deep learning libraries (Theano / Pylearn2, Torch7, Keras)
4) Web and other big-data analysis
5) Practical application development

The AI research group now heavily focuses on deep learning algorithms and Web data analysis to achieve world-leading AI technologies which can be used for various applications in wide areas.

About us
GCI, the University of Tokyo (http://gci.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp)

Hiring process
CV, interview, and “live coding”

Application Instructions
send us following information;

  • CV
  • helpful information to understand about your skills
    (Github account name, linkedin page…)
  • the reasons why you are interested in this position


Kotaro Nakayama – nakayama@weblab.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp

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